Geofences Selection

Find the "geofence selection" under the geofences tab on miTrail.

  • Favorite: Create a list of your most-used geofences in this quick selection.
  • Sort: Sort your geofences by name, recent activity, or descending.
  • Select all: Select all geofences with a view of them on maps.
  • Clear selected: Clear your selected geofences.
  • Geofence: Fill in the following information (including: Geofence name, notification email, and alert settings) and select "Next" to save. 
  • Asset Mapping: Drag and drop the assets you would like to assign to your geofence and select "Next" to save 

  • Draw Geofence: Click a point anywhere on the map (or search your location to find point) and hover over the map (you should see a line form), click your other point to start creating your shape and do this until your geofence is created.