Quick Search & Date Range Map Search

Use Quick Search to view your tracker's location by last known position or by using custom date or range on the map.

1. Pick Your Tracker(s):

Simply select the tracker(s) you want to see on the map. Easy peasy!

Learn more about managing your assets on the Assets Map: Link to Assets + Search Article

2. Unleash the Search Power:

Now for the fun part - finding your tracker! Choose the search feature that best suits your needs:
  • A) Last positions: In a hurry? Use the quick search drop down list of relevant ready to go search parameters such as latest position, last 5 positions, last hour, today, last 7 days and more for your convenience! 
  • B) Date: Need to see where your tracker was on a particular day? This option lets you search for all positions on that exact date.
  • C) Date ranges: Want to track your tracker's movements over a specific period? Use the "Date Ranges" option to see all the trips it took during that time frame.