Map Settings

Toggle your map settings then select save for the requested settings to appear on your map!


  • Select tracker and toggle "Autofit" on for the unit to zoom in to the selected tracker and save.


Live map:

  • Select tracker and toggle "Live map" for the unit to refresh asset location every 60 seconds and save. 


  • Go through the geofences tab and select the geofence you would like to see on the asset map page, go back to the assets map tab, select a tracker, and toggle "Geofences"  on to display the location of tracker in or outside of the geofence and save. 




Select trackers and toggle "Cluster" to group assets in a nearby area and save.

Show Tag:

  •  Select a tracker and toggle "Show Tag" to display information about that tracker (ex. name, location, speed, and status) and save


Table view: 

  • Select a tracker and toggle "Table view" to show a tabular view of asset position data and save. 


Submit a Support Request
Telephone: 1-877-702-2294 (9:00am - 5:00pm MST)We are a small Canadian team working weekdays 9 AM to 5 PM MST to provide friendly and helpful support. Thank you so much for being patient with us.