Imagine a super-fast camera catching speeders, but sometimes it gets confused. Filtered reports are like double-checking the photos to catch any mistakes, so you get the whole picture!
Speeding reports: Filtered vs Unfiltered
Imagine you have a camera that takes pictures of cars going by. The camera can tell how fast each car is moving. It creates a report that shows every car that was going faster than the speed limit. This is like an unfiltered report. It shows everything, but there might be some mistakes.
Sometimes, the camera might mistake a car on an overpass for a car on the road below. The speed limits for these roads might be different. Another issue is that GPS isn't perfect. Sometimes it can show a car being on a different road than it actually is, which could also lead to a mistake.
A filtered report is like having a person review the pictures from the camera. They can check things like the location of the car and what roads are nearby. This helps to remove mistakes from the report.
Which one should you use?
We recommend using both reports together. The unfiltered report will show you all possible speeding events, and the filtered report will help you to identify which ones are more likely to be real.